Does India need a new Constitution


Does India need a new Constitution


The Constitution of India is undoubtedly one of the most significant documents that has been given to us. It must be acknowledged that this document was drafted with careful deliberation and in a short span of time. The Constitution came into existence on 26th January 1950, when it was promulgated by then President Dr Rajendra Prasad. It took almost 7 years for all the states to ratify this document and become part of the Union. Since then, we have had a number of amendments made to it which have made it even more powerful and effective. However, today's generation does not seem too familiar with our constitution because most people don't even know what they stand for! They would rather live their lives without knowing why they exist at all or what they are doing here in India!

What is the meaning of the word "deserve"?

The word "deserve" means to be worthy of. It usually refers to rewards or punishments, such as when you say that someone deserves an award or punishment for something they did.

But the word can also be used in another sense: it means to earn something or hold the title to something by right (for example, if you are born into a certain family).

The Constitution of India is certainly one of the most significant documents that has been given to us.

The Constitution of India is certainly one of the most significant documents that has been given to us. It was drafted by a Constituent Assembly and came into force on 26 January 1950, making it the longest written constitution in the world by some distance.

It’s also one of the most frequently amended constitutions because it contains provisions for amending its text through Parliament or through an amendment process known as “reprehensible Article” (PA) — which means you can change any part of your charter if there are two-thirds support from both houses of parliament.

Today, we take it for granted.

We do not take it for granted that the Constitution is a living document. It has been amended more than 100 times, and each time it is interpreted differently by different people. The Constitution is a symbol of our nationhood; it is what binds us together as Indians.

It’s clear that this document needs updating so that we can understand its true meaning and how it applies in today's world.

Few people realise that this document is more than 70 years old.

Few people realise that this document is more than 70 years old. The Constitution was adopted in 1950, but it was drafted in 1948. It is the longest written constitution in the world and two times longer than the US Constitution.

The original text of the Indian Constitution has been preserved in a special helium-filled case, under high security and in the Library of Parliament House where it has remained untouched since its adoption.

It was drafted with careful deliberation and in a short span of time.

The Constitution of India was drafted with careful deliberation and in a short span of time. It was drafted by B.R. Ambedkar, who headed the drafting committee. The constitution was drafted in 1950, during which time it took about two years to finalize all its parts and make them fit together seamlessly as one whole document.

This is because there were many different people involved in the process that had to come up with an agreement on how things should be done under this new government structure that would govern India from now on out until 2047 when it will no longer exist (and possibly longer). Some wanted their own country based on America's system where everyone belongs equally regardless of race or religion but others wanted some way based on Britain's system where people have special rights depending on their ethnicity or race alone

But, does it deserve better?

But, does it deserve better?

We should read it more often. We should respect it more. We should understand it more and be grateful to those who wrote it, fought for it and took care of it during its journey through history, even if they didn't always get the support they deserved.

What would our country be like without the Constitution of India?


The Constitution of India is certainly one of the most significant documents that has been given to us. Today, we take it for granted. But, does it deserve better? This question is worth asking ourselves as a nation because in many ways this document has not lived up to its expectations. These are some of the reasons why we should pay more attention to our constitutional system and make it work better for all citizens

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