Psychology Facts You Must Know

Psychology Facts You Must Know!

  •  During the 7 minutes of neural activity you will have before dying, you will see your memories in a dreamlike pattern. 

  • Having siblings is proven to help with getting along well with peers.

  • The way an individual treats the employees at an establishment tells immensely about their character. 

  • If you sob out of happiness, the first tear will come from the right eye, but if you cry out of sorrow, it will come from the left. 

  • Food prepared by someone else tastes much better than your own preparation, even when you use the same recipe.

  • Hearing a single negative thing could damage at least five positive memories. 

  • Studies have shown that consuming food without preservatives will increase I.Q by up to 14%. 

  • You seem to think more about a specific individual than about catastrophic events. 

  • An individual still has 7 minutes of neural activity before he passes away. 

  • Researchers have observed that thinking that something bad is going to happen is less stressful to understand than not understanding how it will eventually wind up. 

  • It takes about 66 days for an average individual to make something a daily habit.

  • Studies say that individuals who could instinctively use sarcasm to tackle a frivolous question have healthy minds.

  • Shy people tell others very little about themselves, but they do it in quite a manner that makes other individuals believe they know them better than they actually think they do. 

  • Our brain size has decreased by 10% since we were hunter-gatherers. 

  • People in blue rooms are also much more productive.

  • The study showed that information could last longer in the mind of a person evaluated for it than if it were only examined without the need for instant recall. 

  • People who speak two languages can unintentionally change their personalities when they switch to speak from one language to another.

  • Being alone is harder for your health than you really believe.

  • Anything that your mind says has an identical response from the body’s cells. 

  • You’re conditioned to enjoy the songs you’ve most listened to in high school.

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